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Inter­na­tional online learning hub

for “Schema Therapy with Children, Adole­s­cents & Parents (ST-CA)” presented by the IST‑K Schema Therapy Cologne


Online learning

Schema Therapy (ST), developed by Jeffrey Young, is an enhancement and develo­pment of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). ST integrates emotions, but also develo­p­mental aspects centrally in their diagnostic and thera­peutic conside­ra­tions. In addition, ST is based on a model of schemas, modes and the basic needs and “their fate” during the life course. Therefore, ST — in terms of technical and strategic variant of CBT – seems to be also and especially in the field of child and adole­scent therapy parti­cu­larly suited to generate action-guiding, diagnostic and thera­peutic concepts.

The concept of Schema Therapy with children, adole­s­cents and parents was substan­tially developed by Christof Loose and Peter Graaf and is super­vised by Christof Loose in Cologne (Germany) since 2013. The Practioner’s Guide of ST-CA in English was published in 2020 by Loose, Graaf, Zarbock & Holt. It presents the ST-CA model and provides a clear, practical guide to clinical imple­men­tation.

You can learn more about ST-CA with “Felix and his Modes”, a video wherein Christof explains ST-CA with the story of a child, named Felix, and “Empathic Creativity in Schema Therapy”, a short video wherein Christof gives an insight into the process how to learn and apply ST-CA. Or you ca have a look at “What to do when Tom is feeling blu?” or “What to do when Sophie is feeling blu?”, two videos which explain boys or girls the mode model.
More videos, e.g. about the ST-CA training, you can find on the website

Online learning

‚Learning by Playing’ is a game about Schema Therapy in general, but also about Schema Therapy for Children, Adole­s­cents and Parents (ST-CA). With the help of ‚Learning by Playing’ you can expand, deepen, and conso­lidate your learned knowledge that you have gathered from your experi­ences but also from the courses, trainings, seminars, workshops, and/or super­vi­sions about ST and ST-CA in parti­cular.

If you are interested in an overview about the empirical evidence for ST-CA you can have a look in an articel of Christof.

1st Online Confe­rence in Schema Therapy for Children and Adole­s­cents (ST-CA)

Topic: Creative Approaches in ST-CA

Online learning

Have a look at our trailer. Detailed infor­mation can be found on our special page or you download our flyer.
This confe­rence is organised in coope­ration with the Schema Therapy Institute Scotland (STS) under the direction of Dr. Susan Simpson.
Regis­tration and further organi­sation will be handled by the STS.


Christof Loose

Christof Loose, PhD., Clinical Psycho­logist, Psycho­the­rapist for Children and Adole­s­cents (CBT), works in his own Private Practice in Dusseldorf, affiliated with the Heinrich-Heine-University, Department of Clinical Psychology, Germany 2012–2017, research activity e.g. in ST-CA (Develo­pment of Schema-Questi­on­naire for Children (DISC), Chair of the subcom­mittee Working Group in ST-CA 2013–2017, since 2013 advanced-level certified, trainer and super­visor (ISST e.V.), editor and author of ST-CA books and Video-Learning (DVD), conducts workshops and seminars in Schema Therapy for Children, Adole­s­cents and Parents, worldwide.


In the past few years Christof Loose held workshops and seminars teaching ST-CA worldwide. Unfort­u­nately, this is currently not possible due to the Corona-Pandemic. Therefore, the IST‑K (Institute of Schema Therapy Cologne) has offered the complete basic training in ST-CA in coope­ration with Christof Loose in English language several times since 2020. This enabled colle­agues from all over the world to get to know this intense and creative way of thera­peu­tical work. We would like to expand this offer with Special Interest Workshops, considering age and/or disorder specific thera­peu­tical inter­ven­tions.

The high quality of Christofs workshops is reflected in the evaluation of 10 years of training.

Accre­di­tation by ISST e.V.
Unless announced otherwise, all workshops are preparing for the inter­na­tional certi­fi­cation as a “Schema Therapist ST-CA” by the ISST e.V.. Detailed infor­mation regarding the requi­re­ments for the certi­fi­cation in ST-CA are provided under Certi­fi­cation.

Requi­re­ments of parti­ci­pation
You will find infor­mation about your profes­sional requi­re­ments of parti­ci­pation in the detailed infor­mation about each course.

Current course offers
You will find our current course offers at the end of this website. For further infor­mation click on the course title and a new window will open up. There you will find detailed infor­mation on course contents, time frames and costs as well as the appli­cation forms where you can directly register yourself. In case you would like to visit a special interest seminar or Live-Workshop it is recom­mended to parti­cipate in at least one intro­ductory workshop in ST-CA beforehand.

Use the appli­cation form provided in the detailed infor­mation for each course. Please confirm that you fulfill the requi­re­ments and read the terms and condi­tions and agree the privacy statement with the checkbox.

Reduced rates: We offer reduced rates for several countries. Please do not hesitate to ask!

Invoice/ Money transfer
After regis­tration you will get an invoice. Since some of you come from non-EU countries additional charges for bank transfer and currency exchange will apply. We suggest splitting these costs between the two parties of facili­tator (IST‑K) and parti­cipant.

EU Countries
You can use a normal bank transfer using SEPA-mandatory with the IBAN-number

Non-EU Countries
Please use PayPal and pay in Euro as the specified currency. PayPal will charge you an exchange rate whereas I will accept the fees for the money transfer. With the invoice you will receive a PayPal-link for the payment.


Have a look at our latest newsletter.

Online Learning Hub ST-CA: Update

For mailing our newsletter we use rapidmail. With your appli­cation you agree to that your inputted data were trans­ferred to rapidmail. Please consider their general terms and condi­tions and data protection regula­tions .